The ancient world of dinosaurs has long been a mystery to the human race. We envision massive reptiles adorned with sharp scales, long talons, pointed teeth and powerful tails. We imagine them running through the forests, flying high above the deserts and stalking their prey by the watering hole. They were strong, majestic, commanding and beautiful. Join us during this popular Telluride Academy program as we dive deep into the lives of these mysterious creatures. We’ll create dinosaur costumes, make dinosaur sounds, and learn about dinosaur tendencies as we work to truly embody our prehistoric friends. We will paddle through lakes in our dino masks, climb to new heights shouting dinosaur calls and hike through the forests searching for dinosaur eggs. We’ll keep journals of all the new things we’ve learned and go home at the end of the week with a wealth of knowledge about our favorite dinos. RAWRRRR!
Monday – Thursday
No Overnight