Adrenaline Junkies UNITE! Join us for a week packed full of action, adventures and thrills. We’ll start the week with a drive to Grand Junction where we’ll put our ninja-like skills to the test at one of Colorado’s premier trampoline parks, Get Air! Tuesday will be spent at Imondi Wakezone, where we will charge waves in their rowdy wakeboard park and utilize our parkour skills at their new floating water park. On Wednesday, students will experience all things “fun” at Bananas by racing go-carts and competing in a laser tag competition. During our double overnight, we will camp at Colorado National Monument, which will provide us with plenty of opportunities to embrace the great outdoors, tell stories by the campfire and indulge in delicious backcountry meals. After celebrating the 4th of July holiday with our families and friends, we’ll return on Friday for a day of local adventures. By the end of the program, campers will emerge with all the skills needed to conquer any adventure or obstacle that comes their way!
Please click here to read our overnight policy.
Monday – Friday
The group will depart for a double overnight on Monday and return on Wednesday. There is NO CAMP on Thursday, July 4th. Students will return on Friday for a single day of activities.