Embark on a culinary adventure amidst the rugged beauty of Telluride’s mountains! This program focuses on an immersive two-night backpacking trip, where students will combine the thrill of backcountry exploration with the art of cooking in the wilderness. In the heart of the San Juan Mountains, you’ll discover the secrets of crafting delicious meals over a camp stove and mastering the skills of outdoor cuisine, all while honing vital outdoor skills such as basic first aid, campsite setup and navigation. Under the guidance of our instructors, you’ll learn about ingredient selection, food preparation and cooking techniques that bring a gourmet touch to your “off-the-grid” dining experience. Immerse yourself in the natural world and elevate your backpacking adventures with this all new program, a journey that promises to satisfy your sense of adventure and your palate.
All participants will receive Telluride Academy backpacks, sleeping bags and sleeping pads while participating in this program! We ask that you bring your child’s belongings in a duffle bag on the first morning so instructors can help students properly pack their provided backpacks.
Please click here to read our overnight policy.
Monday – Thursday
Double overnight starts on Tuesday
*All programs in Sessions 5.1 and 5.2 will be based out of the Telluride Mountain School in Lawson Hill.